Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition
•Empirically validated probabilistic forecasts of energy technology costs•Future system costs are estimated for three different scenarios•A rapid green transition will likely result in trillions net savings•Energy models should be updated to reflect high probability low-cost renewables Decisions about how and when decarbonize the global highly influenced by estimates cost. Most energy-economy have produced scenarios that overestimate due underestimating renewable cost improvements deployment rates. This paper generates technologies using a method has been statistically on data more than 50 technologies. Using this approach estimate future under scenarios, we find compared contuinuing with fossil fuel-based system, is savings. Hence, even without accounting climate damages or policy co-benefits, transitioning net-zero 2050 economically beneficial. Updating expectations could dramatically accelerate decarbonization systems. Rapidly decarbonizing critical addressing change, but concerns barrier implementation. historically underestimated rates overestimated their costs. These issues driven calls alternative approaches reliable forecasting methods. Here, use an based methods backtesting We generate solar energy, wind batteries, electrolyzers, conditional deployment. these explore uncertainty propagates through scenarios. Compared continuing overall savings many dollars—even co-benefits policy. Future determined combination produce, store, distribute energy. Their change time innovation, competition, public policy, other factors. To provide some perspective Figure 1 shows landscape evolved over last 140 years. 1A historical principal technologies, 1B gives deployment; both which logarithmic scale. As present 1A, diagram becomes congested, making it clear period unprecedented diversity, average around $100/MWh competing dominance. 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عنوان ژورنال: Joule
سال: 2022
ISSN: ['2542-4351', '2542-4785']
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2022.08.009